About me

About me

Where do I start? Isn’t it the big question when you have to talk about yourself? I don’t want to go too far back which will be not only irrelevant but boring. So, the way I see it, I’ll be better starting with what brought me where I am today. Why I decided that it was time for a big change in my life and moved forward with my crazy ideas. Ready? Let’s do it.

First thing you should all know is that French is my Native tongue and I learned English when I was 27 years old. So for sure you will see mistakes in my writing in English. However, I promise to work hard and make all the efforts to bring it as minimal as I can.

How did it all started?
louis vuitton, bag, fashion

My interest in Fashion and luxury brands started when I was really young, around 7. You see, My mom is French for Marseille and my dad from Quebec City in Canada. I had the chance to live in both countries and learn from both culture. My Grandmother (the French one) was a former model for Oscar de La Renta and also a passionate in everything luxury and quality made. She taught me everything she knew, and she knew a lot. Since then, I always keep in mind her teaching before spoiling myself. Still today, I can easily tell the quality of clothes just by touching them and looking at the seems.

Later in life, when in university, I started studying Microbiology, with a specialization in infectious Diseases. I only needed one fellowship in a lab to know that I wasn’t at my place. As much as I love science and knowledge there was no way I could be a lab rat. I need people around me so I knew that I‘ll have to work in a field where I can socialize. After my Bachelor degree, I decided to change my course of study and instead of continuing further in research I took the road to a MBA in Pharmaceutical Management and the pharmaceutical industry. 

businesswoman, consulting, business
The last 15 years

For the last 18 years I’ve been in Pharmaceutical Sales. My first 10 years were in Canada and then I moved in the US and continue my career here. I saw the industry go through ups and downs and I also saw it changed in different ways overtime. Actually, I’m planning to write a post about how I saw the industry change from my point of vue on the field, stay tuned. 

When everything changed

2020! What a year it has been. So many changes in everyone lives, some good and some bad. Evidently, it was a roller coaster of emotions. At the beginning of the year my husband and I decided to invest in a rental condo in Hilton Head Island. After hearing from a friend that it was a wonderful place and a great investment. He was absolutely right. In fact, we were on the island for less than 24h and it was already set that we were buying something before leaving and we did. February 19th 2020 we were closing on our first condo. First week of March we came back to update our place and get it ready for the season coming. Then…

COVID hits us all!

March 16th 2020 is the day I started working from home and it last a little over 2 months. I had no reason to stay in the cold and rainy weather of Pittsburgh when I could work from the beach in HHI, so I drove back to the island. Accordingly to the COVID regulations, new reservations from renters couldn’t be taken until May 1st. At that time, we didn’t know how long it was going to last. May 1st was the first date given but could be extend if needed.

So, here I am, in my new rental that I can’t rent. finally, May 25th we had our first renters. Obviously, I had to leave but I didn’t want to, I fell in love with the island and wanted to stay.

I was thinking about it all along my time here but couldn’t make a decision. The day I left was my turning point and the day I told myself that life was too short to be unhappy. My plan was all done in my head already.

My plan…
To Start, build my Real Estate Business.

Real Estate was always something I wanted to do but couldn’t by lack of time. My work was taking so much of it that I wouldn’t have been as present and invested as I wanted to be. Offering my best and the greatest service I could was not possible, so I preferred not to do it at all. It didn’t stop me of doing it for myself though. I started investing in Real Estate at 22 years old. Owned an apartments building at 28. At 35, I already bought or sale 4 houses with nice profits.

sale, sold, hand

I wasn’t rich, on the contrary, I’m coming from a modest family and I had nothing under my name when I started. I bought my first house under the 5% downpayment program and it was all I had. I worked it out all by myself and I was lucky enough to easily understand the Real Estate market and how it works. Why? I really don’t know. From the start, and still today, I can tell or feel if it’s a good deal or a good investment. So when I decided to completely change my career, it was without a doubt the way to go for me.

After, doing it my way.

As I said earlier, offering the best service possible and being there for my clients needs are priorities for me. I am available for them beyond the sale. I want to differentiate myself in this competitive market with so many agent available. I’m committed to go the extra miles, being more than an agent and doing more for my clients and for everyone who have a soft spot for my little piece of paradise, like I love to call this wonderful island.

To that end, I started working on this blog. My goal is to offer information about Hilton Head Island and keep people posted on the news and events going on. I want to write about locals businesses and products. Meet with the owners and let them talk about it and share with me their passion so I can share it with all of you later.

In addition, I want to expend my blog outside HHI to include Fashion, Health, Luxury products, Lifestyle, Food, etc.. At the end, I want to give you information about our day to day life and interests. I dream of bringing this blog at a level where it will become a reference and a place you will want to go regularly, a blog you will follow and love. For that reason, I am strongly suggesting to use the contact form as much as you want and send me your insights, questions or subjects you would like to read about. My mailbox will always be open for you and I will personally answer, everytime.

Katty-Eve Julien

kattyjulien@kw.com | (724) 470-3737 | hhihomeforyou.com